Judges, Chapter 9

This chapter is about Abimelech. Abimelech is Gideon’s son via a concubine. Let’s get one thing VERY clear: a concubine is NOT what you think they are. Concubines are like what we in modern terms would call a common-law wife/husband. Yes, men can be concubines too. Concubines are like wives but with no legal rights. They wouldn’t be able to sign any legal or health documents. Concubines are usually reserved for royalty or people in positions of power. Think dictator, despot, etc. Abimelech gets crowned king. However, it doesn’t end too well for him.

Abimelech, Gideon’s son, went to his uncles (mom’s brothers) in Shechem. Abimelech starts talking to them, plus the rest of his mom’s clan. He wanted to ask the citizens of Shechem which was better: All 70 of Gideon’s sons ruling them or just one of them. Abimelech reminded them that they were brothers.

When the brothers went & asked the citizens of Shechem this question, they were inclined to follow Abimelech. The brothers gave Abimelech 70 shekels (about 1 3/4 pounds or about 0.8 kilograms) of silver from the temple of Baal-Berith. Abimelech used it to hire some guys, who ended up being his followers.

Abimelech went to his dad’s house in Ophrah. He ended up murdering his 70 brothers, the sons of Gideon. But one escaped, Jotham. Jotham was the youngest son of Gideon. He escaped by hiding. Then all the citizens of Shechem & Beth Millo got together beside the great tree at the pillar in Shechem. They gathered there to crown Abimelech king.

When Jotham was told about this, he climbed up to the peak of Mount Gerizim. He shouted at them, “Listen to me so that God will listen to you. One day, the trees went out to anoint a king for themselves. They said to the olive tree, ‘Be our king.’ But the olive tree responded, ‘Should I give up my oil, by which both gods & men are honored? The trees asked the fig tree to be their king. Nope. Then asked the vine to be their king. Nope. Finally, the trees came to the thornbush. So if you’ve been fair to Abimelech when crowning him king, & you were nice to Gideon’s family, then great! But if you haven’t, let fire come out from Abimelech & consume the citizens of Shechem & Beth Millo. It’ll consume Abimelech too!” Jotham knew that Abimelech was going to get his punishment. Because of how he became king. (Talk about some Game of Thrones stuff.)

Then Jotham ran away. Escaping to Beer, because he was afraid of Abimelech. Abimelech reigned for 3 years. After this, God sent an “evil spirit” between King Abimelech & the citizens of Shechem. The citizens started acting VERY Game of Thrones towards Abimelech. Bro needed to watch his back.

God did this so that Gideon’s 70 sons could be avenged. Because Abimelech & the citizens of Shechem had hands in killing Gideon’s 70 sons. The citizens of Shechem started robbing people on the hilltops as they passed by. This was told to King Abimelech.

Gaal, the son of Ebed, moved with his brothers to Shechem. Its citizens put their faith in him. After they reaped the grapes & processed them, they held a festival in the temple of their god. While they were festivalizing, they started literally cursing Abimelech.

Gaal asked who Abimelech was. Gaal says, “Look, who are these jokers? Y’all should be serving the men of Hamor, Shechem’s dad. Why should we be serving Abimelech? If y’all were under MY command, then we’d crush it.”

When Zebul, the governor of the city, heard this smack talk, he was big mad! Zebul sent undercover messengers out to Abimelech. Zebul let Abimelech know that Gaal was trying to stir up trouble. Zebul then gave Abimelech some military advice.

So Abimelech & all his troops set out at night & hid near Shechem in 4 different military companies. Gaal came to the city gate just as Abimelech & his troops came out of their hiding spots.

When Gaal saw them, he said to Zebul to look at the people coming out of the shadows. Zebul starts gaslighting Gaal. “No way, it’s just actual shadows.” Gaal wasn’t being gaslit. He knows what he saw.

Zebul starts smack-talking Gaal. “Oh, where’s your big talk now, Gaal? ‘Why should we serve Abimelech?’ *says sarcastically* Isn’t that the guy you were talking crap about? Go out there & get ’em, tiger!”

So Gaal went out & fought Abimelech. Abimelech stayed in Arumah. Zebul made Gaal, & his brothers, leave Shechem.

The next day, the people of Shechem went to the fields. Abimelech was made aware of this. So he took his troops & set an ambush. When the people came out of the city, they were attacked. Abimelech ended up capturing the city. He absolutely destroyed the city. Then salt was scattered over it.

When the people in the tower of Shechem heard about the goings-on, they went into the stronghold of the temple of El-Berith. When Abimelech heard about this, he took his troops to Mount Zalmon.

Abimelech & his troops cut branches off trees. Then they laid them against the stronghold. They then laid it on fire. So about 1,000 men & women died in the tower. Next Abimelech went to Thebez.

Abimelech attacked Thebez, capturing it also. There was a strong tower in this town, though. So all the people of the city locked themselves in the tower. They made it all the way to the roof. Abimelech stormed the tower.

But as Abimelech went to set the door of the tower on fire, a woman dropped a heavy stone on his head, cracking his skull. He quickly called over his armor-bearer. He wanted his armor-bearer to commit seppuku. Or Abimelech wanted his armor-bearer to kill him. Because he didn’t want people to say that a woman killed him. When the Israelites saw that Abimelech was dead, they went home.

So this is how God repaid Abimelech for killing his 70 brothers. God also made Shechem pay for their hand in the murders. The curse of Jotham came to them.


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