The Book of Exodus, Chapter 3

This chapter is about Moses & burning bush. Plus a little confusion, at least for me. It deals with Moses’ father-in-law. This chapter is one of the cornerstones of the Christian & Jewish traditions. This starts Moses’ “ministry” & starts his role as “the law-giver.” (Because like I said, Exodus is pretty much a law book with other details to fill in for the all the laws.) Enjoy the read!

Moses was tending the flock of his father-in-law, Jethro, the priest of Midian. (In chapter 2, it says that Moses’ father-in-law is a man named Reuel. Reuel was also a priest of Midian. Now did Moses have more than one wife at this point. If so, it doesn’t say right now, in this passage.)

Moses led the flock to the far side of the desert. He came to Horeb, “the mountain of God.” (I’ve heard stories that the mountain at Horeb was sacred to a LOT of different religions of the time. That would now be considered pagan religions.) There an angel of God (I love how they HAVE to specify that it’s an angel of God. Like it would be a different kind, like from Satan. Satan, or his rebellion, isn’t mentioned at all here in Exodus.) who appeared to Moses in the flames of fire from within a bush. Moses saw that the bush was on fire but it didn’t burn. Moses got curious & wandered over to see why the bush didn’t burn up.

When the God saw that he had gone over to look at the bush, He called to Moses. Moses says “I’m over here!” God says: “Don’t come any closer! Take your shoes off because you are standing on holy ground. (Check out Acts 3:3, 7, 8, 10; Joshua 5:15) I’m the God of your dad, Abraham, Isaac, & Jacob.” (Check out Matthew 22:32; Luke 20:37; & Acts 7:32.) Moses hid his face at this because he was afraid of God.

God tells Moses that he’s seen what’s been going on with “my people in Egypt.” God also tells Moses that he’ll be sending into the “land of milk & honey,” home of the Canaanites, Hittites, Amorites, Perizzites, Hivites, & Jebusites. Moses finds out that he’s going to be the one who leads the Israelites out of Egypt. Moses tries to get out of it by saying: “I can’t talk that well.” “Pharaoh’s not gonna listen to me.”

God tells Moses to suck it up! God tells Moses that He’ll be with him & “I am who I am.” God also tells Moses: “This is my name forever, the name by which I am to be remembered from generation to generation. Go get all the elders & tell them what I’ve said. They’ll listen to you! Then go to Pharaoh & tell him to let the Israelites/Hebrews go on a 3-day ‘adventure’ in the desert to sacrifice to our God. I’ll make sure the Egyptians are favorable towards you. Every woman will ask her neighbors for stuff & they’ll give it to them.”

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5 thoughts on “The Book of Exodus, Chapter 3

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    1. dejahspiritualityreligiousstudies February 19, 2018 — 4:42 pm

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