Numbers, Chapter 12

This chapter is about Miriam & Aaron opposing Moses. It’s not what you would think either. But it’s still very shady. This one is a shorter one. Enjoy.

Miriam & Aaron began to talk smack against Moses because of his Cushite wife. They were all like, “Had God spoken only through Moses?” But they got busted, because God heard them running their mouths.

It says here that Moses was a very humble man, more humble than anyone else in the face of the planet.

God wasn’t messing around. He (God) called Moses, Aaron, & Miriam to the Tent. (It’s like they all got called to go to the principal’s office!) When they got there, God wasn’t pleased. God came down (yes, physically came down to planet Earth, literally.) in a pillar of cloud. God actually stood at the entrance to the Tent.

He (God) summoned Aaron & Miriam forward. When they stepped forward, God says, “When there’s a prophet of God around you, I talk to them in dreams, reveling Myself in visions. But this isn’t the case with my boy, Moses, over there. I talk to him face-to-face, clearly, & not in riddles. Moses sees the form of God. Why were you ok with talking smack about my boy, Moses?”

God’s anger burned against them, He leaves. When the cloud lifted from above the Tent, Miriam stood there with leprosy. Her skin was white like snow.

Aaron got scared real quick. He goes up to Moses, begging Moses for help. Moses cried out to God to heal her. God says, “Ok. Fine. She wants healed. She’s gotta be quarantined outside the camp for 7 days. After that, she can come back in the camp.”

Miriam complied. The Israelites didn’t move on until she was healed. After that, the Israelites left Hazeroth & encamped in the Desert of Paran.

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