Numbers, Chapter 17

This chapter is about the budding of Aaron’s staff/rod. (Be mature!) This is a very short chapter. This chapter is about the literal bidding of Aaron’s staff. With flowers, almonds, the whole 9 yards. The staff in this chapter is more than likely a giant walking stick. Think Charlton Heston in the 10 Commandments when he’s parting the Red Sea. By the end of the chapter, the Israelites are fearing for their lives, again. Enjoy.

God told Moses to go talk to the Israelites, again. Moses was told to get 12 staffs from them (the Israelites), 1 for each of the leaders of the tribes. The leaders names were put on their respective staffs. On the staff for the tribe of Levi, Aaron’s name was placed. Because all 12 tribes had to be represented.

The staffs were put in the Tent of Meeting, in front of THE Ark of the Covenant. The staff belonging to man that God chooses would sprout. God made it known to Moses that He was gonna get rid of the constant grumbling against Moses! Moses did what was asked of him.

The next day, Moses entered the Tent. He saw Aaron’s staff, which represented the tribe of Levi, had not only sprouted but had budded, blossomed, & produced almonds.

Moses brought out ALL of the staffs. All the Israelites were there, each leader took their staff & looked at them.

God then told Moses to put Aaron’s staff in front of the Ark. To be kept as a sign to the rebellious. God says, “This’ll put an end to their complaining against me!” Moses out staff of Aaron in its new home.

The Israelites started freaking out to Moses! “We’ll die!” “We’re lost, we’re all lost!” “Anyone who goes near the Tabernacle of God will die!” “Are we ALL gonna die?”

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