Numbers Chapter 28

Here we go again, friends. This chapter is about a rehashing of rules and regulations. Such as daily and Sabbath offerings, monthly offerings, & the Passover. We’ll do our best to keep it together. We hope you enjoy!

God tells Moses to command the Israelites to present to Him, at the appointed time, the food for His offerings made by fire. Because it smells good to Him.

The daily offerings are 2 lambs that are one year old, without defects or blemishes. One lamb is for the morning & one is for twilight (not the movie), together with a grain offering of about 2 quarts of fine flour mixed with a quart of oil from pressed olives. The accompanying drink offering is to be a quart of fermented drink with each lamb. (Beer, wine?) The second lamb is to be prepared the same way as the first.

The Sabbath offerings are 2 lambs that are one year old, without defects or blemishes. Together with the drink and grain offerings. This is the offering for every Sabbath, in addition to the regular daily burnt offering.

Okay, on the monthly offerings. On the 1st of every month, God wanted a burnt offering of: 2 young bulls, 1 ram, & 7 male lambs a year old, all without defect or blemishes. With each bull, there’s to be a grain offering of about 6 quarts of fine flour mixed with oil. With the ram, a grain offering about 4 quarts of fine flour mixed with oil. With each lamb, a grain offering of about 2 quarts of fine flour mixed with oil.

With each bull, there’s to be a drink offering of about 3 quarts of wine. With the ram, about 1 1/4 quarts of wine. With each lamb, about a quarter of a quart of wine.

This is the monthly burnt offering to be made at each new moon during the year. (Which means there are 12 monthly burnt offerings. Because there are 12 new moons a year. However, very rarely there are 13 new moons in a year. One of those moons is called a Black Moon.) Besides the regular burnt offering with its drink offering, one male goat is to be presented to God as a sin offering.

On the 14th day of the 1st month, God’s Passover is to be held. On the 15th of this month, there’s a festival. For 7 days, only eat bread made without yeast. On the 1st day, there was to be a sacred assembly. There’s no regular work to be done.

Present God a burnt offering of 2 young bulls, 1 ram, & 7 male lambs one year old, all without defects/blemishes. With each bull, ram, & individual lamb make the appropriate offering. Make sure to include 1 male goat as a sin offering to make atonement. All of this is in addition to the daily offering. The “food” for the offering was to be prepared every day for 7 days. (Like ‘The Ring’) On the 7th day, hold another sacred assembly & don’t do any regular work. (We are not really sure what “regular work” means. If someone would reach out to explain this, it would be fantastic. We’ll make sure to edit & give you credit!)

Now we are getting into what is called the Feast of Weeks. (The Feast of Weeks (or Shavuot) is a holiday that commemorates Moses getting the Torah to the Jewish people on Mount Sinai.) On the day of the first fruits, when they had to give God an offering of new grain during the Feast of Weeks, hold a sacred assembly. Again, with the no regular work thing.

They had to give God a burnt offering of 2 young bulls, 1 ram, & 7 male lambs one-year-old, without defects/blemishes. With each animal, make sure the appropriate grain & drink offerings are given. They had to include 1 male goat to make an atonement for them.

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