Joshua Chapter 23

This chapter is about Joshua’s farewell to the leaders of the Israelites. Because Joshua is on his way to be the Big Guy upstairs. But he doesn’t get unalived until the next chapter. This chapter is about Joshua saying goodbye. Hope the read finds you well.

After a long time & God had given Israel peace from all of their enemies that were around them. Joshua, at this time, being very elderly, called together all the Israelites’ hierarchies. (Priests, elders, judges, etc.)

Joshua tells them that he’s old & to be careful to follow the Book of the Law (of Moses). Joshua continues by telling them not to associate with the nations that remained around the Israelites. Not to invoke any of their gods’ names or do any of their rituals. They couldn’t bow or swear to these gods.
Joshua let them know that if they failed, then God was going to leave them. God was going to let their enemies win.

Every promise had been fulfilled; not one had failed. But just as every good thing that God said was gonna happen, happened. That means that every bad thing God promised could happen too, if the Israelites didn’t keep to what God had told them.

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